Polo Wraps vs Sport Boots

This could be a million dollar question and I do not know if there is a correct answer.  I believe this is a total personal preference.   Then....you get into the type of preferred boots.  So many options are now available.  There is something for each individual need. 

What are they for?  Where do you start?  Boots or any protective wrap gear is to protect legs from it's other legs or any kind of impact.  They also support the tendons from overstretching.  They are highly recommended for any performance horse.  Splint boots to sports boots to boots that go all the way up the knee (yea there is a reason for that).   Splint boots are a good for a quick and easy boot.  They are smaller and not as bulky as the sport boot.  The sport boot is larger and covers more area.  It is taller than a splint boot and wraps around the ankle. Hence a good all around support.  These all can be cleaned by a water hose and left to dry at the end of the day.  

The polo wrap.  This is my personal favorite.  They are a long fleece with Velcro closure.   I like the polo because I can adjust the tightness and use it as a full cover support.  Yes, they take a min to put on...and a little longer to learn how to put them on.  But I feel they give the best protection and is not bulky like the sport boot.  I have a whole drawer full that I use at the barn everyday and a few good clean ones for the show pen.  About once a week I take the polos home and wash them.  I haven't yet figured out how to not get them tangled in the washer/dryer.  However, my ponies appreciate their clean wraps. 

Now that you are in the know...Enjoy free shipping on your next protective purchse: use code: intheknow at checkout!

