How to Revitalize Old Leather (Saddles & Bridles)

Saddles and bridles are made from materials that are meant to last. The easiest way to keep your equipment in good working order is to take care of it consistently. Keeping your leather goods clean and supple will significantly extend the life of your equipment.

Cleaning and Repairing Old Leather

Cleaning Leather

Starting from an old and dirty saddle can be a massive undertaking. However, securing an old saddle may save you hundreds of dollars.

  1. Remove all accessories, such as girth and stirrups, to properly clean the saddle. Loosen all remaining straps so that you can access hard-to-reach places. 
  1. Place the saddle on a sawhorse so you can reach all areas of the saddle.
  1. You can wash saddles made of leather with soap and water. Wash the saddle with ivory soap and water. It is best to use a soft, non-abrasive brush. 
  1. Ensure you rinse all soap off immediately and allow the saddle to air dry. Repeat this process as many times as needed. 
  1. Use a toothbrush to clean the metal portions and small crevices of your saddle.

Repairing Tack

Repairing stirrups, girths, and buckles is easy, even for the novice rider. However, actual leather repair is a difficult skill. If the saddle's leather is damaged, locate a professional repairer to fix your saddle.

Conditioning Old Saddles

Leather conditioning is an art. With so many leather conditioners on the market, figuring out the correct product can be challenging. Overall, you cannot go wrong with any reputable leather conditioning brand. You must ensure you follow the directions of the conditioning product.

After you wash your saddle, you should condition it to leather to prevent cracks and keep it supple. 

Using a sponge, apply the leather conditioner. You do not want to “over-condition” your saddle. Altogether, you will want to apply a thin leather. Wipe off any excess. Otherwise, the leather conditioner should remain on the saddle to condition it effectively.

Maintaining Your Bridles

Traditionally, bridles get very dirty. It is easy for bridles to get covered in sweat, saliva, and dust. Because your bridle is a leather good, you can use soap and water to wash it. As with your saddle, you will want to rinse away any soap residue. Allow the bridle time to air dry.

For a deep clean, loosen all buckles and wash the straps you typically cannot access.

Conditioning a bridle is just as important as a saddle. Apply a thin layer of conditioner along the straps using a soft towel. It will seal the pores and protect the bridle from premature wear.

Regular Leather Cleaning

You must set a cleaning routine once your old saddle and bridle are conditioned. How often you clean your equipment depends on your use and conditions. A good pace is monthly or bi-monthly.